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  • DAX-tutorial: Calculate the number of days left until an upcoming date

    1. A Simple Case – Due Dates

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  • How to set up E-Mail notifications in SQL Server when a Server agent job fails

    Creating jobs in SQL Server Agent is an awesome way to automatize processes like running T-SQL scripts or executing SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages. But what if a job or a step fails? Surely you’d want to know about that! Opening the job history at random intervals in order to check if everything works accurately is not a good way of securing a proper functionality. Instead you could use the very nifty option of email notifications! Any time a job fails you are instantly notified in your email inbox and can start troubleshooting.

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  • Slowly Changing Dimensions - with business needs


    It is not as complex as it sounds like, Parallel universes and Einstein’s relativity will not be popping up in this one. But nevertheless it is considered by many to be a real challenge to implement. In this blog post I’m going to provide you with three different approaches to handling historical data. I’m also going to address an issue regarding business needs, and the implications it has with different types of SCD functionality. Let the jazzing begin!

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  • SQL Server and Node.js

    Here at Kugghuset, We’re predominantly a Business Intelligence shop, which for us means we work a lot with SQL Server, and we’re good at it. There’s just so much great tooling for it and it’s (from a business perspective) quite affordable. Though, we aren’t a pure Microsoft shop, as a developer I mainly use Node.js and I initially thought this would troublesome as I can’t say I’ve heard of anyone combinig the two. Boy was I wrong, and I’m super happy I was - SQL Server and Node.js works great together.

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  • Markdown crash course

    It’s no secret I’m a fan of markdown. I’m also a fan of Jekyll which is probably the cause of the former. It’s just so beautiful - combining the ease of plain text with the customizability of HTML and CSS. I’m in power. Best of all? It’s super easy to get started.

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  • Jekyll on Windows

    Jekyll is great, and while Jekyll isn’t officially supported, there’s no real headache working with it. There are a few gotcha’s, but these are easily overcome. We’ll discuss how to install Jekyll, set up a project for hosting on GitHub Pages and how to run it. As an extra I tossed in a small Gulp script which automates reloading and serving.

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